Rockingham Hypnosis Centre

Rockingham Hypnosis Centre is founded by Rick Hilleard.
Rick is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Rockingham Hypnosis Centre has been open since January 2013.

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Hypnotherapy giving you freedom

Hypnotherapy can give you freedom from habits, fears, stress and anxiety. Free yourself from subconscious restraints.

Give up the habit of smoking easily with Hypnotherapy and save yourself lots of money and have a healthier life style.

Find your inner strength and motivation to achieve success in many areas of your life.

Losing weight and keeping in shape is easier if you have the assistance of your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy can assist in combination with a healthy weight loss program.

Control fears or phobias and free yourself by using hypnotherapy. After only a few sessions you should find yourself less fearful of things that used to terrify you.

Enhance your sports performance on a subconscious level. Let your mind do most of the work, gain control and focus for optimum sport results!

One of the most common fears is that of Public Speaking. With hypnotherapy you can release this, feeling confident and relaxed in front of any audience.

0 %

Average reduction in emotional lability

0 %

Average reduction in psychosis symptoms

0 %

Average reduction in substance abuse

0 %

Average reduction in Anxiety Disorders

Real stories.
Real result.

Big shout out to Rick. I was I able give up cigarettes after one session. I tried to kick it a few other-ways with out success. Truly amazing how’s simple it is.

Adrian AJ Murphy Customer

I was a smoker for 15 years, after one session with Rick I was completely cured of my addiction. I would recommend him to any smoker wanting to quit.

Cheyne Customer

I was a heavy smoker for thirty five years. I tried everything to stop. After two sessions, I am now a non-smoker & much more positive about myself.

Chris G. Customer

Getting better starts with the mental health